Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Vote For me!

This started as a joke but grew into a movement!

No Cat 5 catergory at Concord Crit

This is a reprint from the New Hamsphire Cycling Club members forum.

I was wondering how many other Cat 5 NHCC Team members are a little upset about the fact that our own team doesn't regard Cat 5 racers as essential our organization, as evidenced by not including a Cat 5 category in this year’s Concord Crit.

When I asked the reason why Cat 5s were not included, I was told "As for the elimination of the 5 category, all of us who have worked on the Crit for the last ten years or so felt that the event should be shortened. We usually do not get many cat. 5 riders at this point in the season. The only requirement for upgrading is participation in 10 mass start races and most riders have completed ten by August. I hope this helps.". I have been in Cat 5 last year and I can tell you there were a number of Cat 5s both over 35 and under who participated in that race.

So for those of us who don't have the time available to consistently train and attend numerous races, we are just out of luck. I think our club officers should have polled the Cat 5 team members to see how many would attend before making such a decision. There are many Cat 5 racers, both affiliated and unaffiliated, who look forward to this event each year.. It would appear that our team motto should be “Upgrade or die!”

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Child rapists can't be executed, Supreme Court rules

What the fuck! Is the Supreme Court serious??? They are too old and out of touch with America. Child rapist in my opinion should be put to death. I have a young daughter and I can assure you if someone raped her, they would have forfeited their own life. I would stop at nothing until I hunted them down and killed them. Come on Supreme Court, get a clue!!!! You pansy ass liberals!!!!! This asshole will now be supported by the State, getting 3 meals a day, HBO, medical care while the girl will be traumatized for life....

Saturday, June 14, 2008

First loop with my son Sam

Today marked the first road loop with my 15 year old son. He is a promising hockey goalie and I now have convinced him that riding will help his hockey.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

The end of civilization is at hand

Obama claims victory, makes history!

In less than a year, Barack Obama has gone from being an obscure, first-term U.S. senator to the projected Democratic presidential nominee. On Tuesday, Obama became the first African-American to head the ticket of a major political party, beating out Sen. Hillary Clinton, who aspired to become the first female nominee.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Woman's dead body lies in flat for 35 years

It is truly amazing that this woman could have died 35 years ago and no one noticed. Yeah, I know it's Croatia, but I could see this happening in a large city like New York or Detroit.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Child rapists should die, state argues

I say he should die. Anyone who rapes a helpless child should be put to death!

Monday, March 24, 2008

New Hampshire Jr Monarch Bantam AAA team goes to the New England Regional Championships

Please indulge me. My son is the goalie for the New Hampshire Jr Monarch Bantam AAA team and they made it to the New England Regional Tournament this past weekend. They came in 4th out of 10 teams from RI, CT, VT, NH, and ME. The Monarchs overall record was 1-2-1. Congratulations.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Irish Need Not Apply

I am sick and tired of hearing every minority group complain about how they were treated and expecting the US Government to apologize for their plight. Slavery and the Indian injustices happened many years ago. No one alive today had anything to do with it. Why should companies or governments be required to pay money to decendents of those people. The Irish had it as bad or worse than anyone when they came to America. They were treated worse than the slaves because the slaves were valuable property and the Irish were not.The Irish succeded and flourished because of hard work and determination. The Romans couldn't destroy them, the English couldn't destroy them and the Americans couldn't destroy them. They prospered despite that. Let that be a lesson to all other minorities. No one owes you anything. Go out and work for it! Erin Go Braugh! Happy St Patrick's Day!


Whose soldiers are chubby and unfit?

Germany! Now I understand why Jan Urlich had such a hard time showing up for the race season is shape like all the rest. It was not his fault. It's his heritage! It appears Germans prefer partying and a laid back lifestyle to hard work. Considering that, I think I might be German!!! :)

Monday, March 3, 2008

Daughter, 16, charged in murder of mother, brothers

I am sick to death hearing about stories like this. I blame today's children's lack of respect and blatant disregard for anyone else but themselves on parents who practiced "time outs" with their children. These parents didn't want to upset their children and promote a society of violence by spanking their children. Hello??? That is why they have no respect for anyone. Time outs never worked. We, as a society, have failed the latest generation by not instilling a healthy respect (& fear) of their parents.

Spankings work people. Now I am not advocating beating children unmercifully. However, a good attention getter such as a slap on the behind works wonders. I am a child of the sixties (when parents could hit their children without fear of some liberal calling the cops and reporting abuse) and grew up loving my parents and respecting society in general. I was spanked on occasion (although not as much as I probably deserved). After a couple of spankings, just the threat alone was enough to put me back on the straight and narrow path. Spare the rod, spoil the child!

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Turkey in radical revision of Islamic texts

Turkey recently announced that it is preparing to reinterpret Islam. Much like Catholicism and Judaism, Islam was founded thousands of years ago through common ancestry. The teachings of all three are based on beliefs and superstitions of people who have no knowledge of what we know to be true today. To them, a Bic lighter, a commuter jet, a telephone and such would seem "miraculous" to them. I am not saying that the word of Allah, God, Jehovah, is wrong. The words still speak a truth to countless billions. The underlying words will still apply, however, the interpretations of those passages should not be based on beliefs of mortal men from ages past. All religion should change and grow with society. Perhaps if they did, we may truly have peace in this world.

God bless Turkey in taking this first step. May all religions follow their brave path.

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

UCI may shun Paris-Nice

In the ongoing fued between the UCI and ASO (race organizers of the Tour de France), UCI president Pat McQuaid has stated that the UCI may withdraw support for the storied Paris-Nice race, also run by ASO. This fued stems from ASO's refusal to invite defending Tour de France winner, Alberto Contrador and his Astana team.

For those of you who don't know, the Astana team has suffered many dopping allegations of it's riders for both the 2006 and 2007 race season. Although I do not aupport performance enhancing drugs in cycling, Astana is the same team in name only. At the end of 2007, Astana replaced team management and all riders suspected of dopping. It has instituted extremely tight doppiing controls and as such, is probably one of the cleanest teams in Europe.

So why is ASO banning them from their races? It is my opinion that ASO is tired of the domination of teams run by Johan Bruyneel, winners of the last 8 Tour de Frances. Could it be because there hasn't been a French winner since 1985? Your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps French racers are not good enough to compete as they once could. This is no reason to ban a past Tour de France champion. If this ban stands, the Tour will forever be sullied in the eyes of the world. Come on France. Wake up!

Monday, February 18, 2008

Scot smashes world cycle record

And I think that the 100 mile Centuries I do are long rides. This guy rode around the world in 195 days.


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Winning the hearts & minds

The US went into Iraq to help the Iraqi people. We destryoed their country and now wonder why the population is trying to kill our soldiers. What's the old military saying "We had to destroy the village in order to save it!" This is how the US should be helping Iraq. Why is it that these acts of kindness have to be done through individuals and not the government?
